Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stephen Harper is Dubya's tool


One week to go before the Canadian federal election, and if the polls are any indication, it appears as though Canadian citizens will likely be faced a majority Conservative government and 4+ years of iron-fisted rule.

These trends are troubling considering the cozy relationship between Amerika's dictator down south and our soon to be fuhrer Harper, I mean Prime Minister.

Do not be fooled. Stephen Harper represents the most evil, rightwing, jingoistic, intolerant, pro-war agenda ever to be seen in Canadian politics. If he had his way, Canadian soldiers would be dying by the truckloads in Iraq, and Canada would become a prime target for manufactured terrorist atacks.

Speaking of which, my feline prognosticative senses tell me that, if Stephen Harper is elected, citizens could soon well see a terrorist attack in a major Canadian city, that would frighten and mobilize the masses to support any draconian measures, including suspension of civil liberties, increased domestic surveillance, and alliance with our totalitarian neighbours as they further their war in the Middle East.

Of course any such attack will be blamed on the fictitious al-Qaeda, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be the American and Israeli secret services with blood on their hands.

Consider all the uproar over the latest set of Liberal attack ads, especially the one where they claim that a Harper government would likely result in troops with guns on the streets of Canadian cities. The Liberals said it was a mistake and that the ad should never have aired.

It is my opinion that the ad was released deliberately by the Liberals, knowing full well that there would be a backlash, but in effect the message got out there, and that was the plan all along.

The only problem with the ad that I can see, is that it didn't get enough play, because, if one is cognisant of how real politics is played and the ponerology behind it, it becomes apparent that what the Liberals are saying is TRUE!

Not saying that any of the political parties in Canada are any better than the others, as in life and politics, it is the most vile, ruthless, and psychopathic among us that seem to rise to the top.

However, in this case, it may indeed be better the devil you know...

Canada may be in for some rough times ahead.

Miss Pickles


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