Monday, January 30, 2006

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

purr purr purr

My human left me at home all alone today, so I was spending some leisure time cruising the internet. I came across this very poignant and beautifully written post that not only sums up the horrors of living on the planet earth at this point in history, but also offers realizable solutions for those of us, like myself, who sometimes feel helpless faced with a world of seeming unending cruelty and despair.

Read on if you dare...

Miss Pickles

Smoking Mirrors: And Down Will Come Baby, Cradle and All.

By Laura Knight Jadczyk

Reading the above linked blog nearly made me cry. Why? Well, because I have heard the same frustration and despair expressed by other sincere activists for World Peace in the past couple of weeks. The despair of the front line is setting in. Yes, it looks like COINTELPRO is winning. The depression is spreading among those who have been keeping up the good fight for so long; we are succumbing to the disease. But is that really true?

Perhaps with understanding we can find a remedy, a Bridge Over Troubled Water.

When you're weary, feeling small,
when tears are in your eyes, I’ll dry them all.
I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough
and friends just can't be found,
like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.

When you're down and out, when you're on the street,
when evening falls so hard, I’ll comfort you.
I'll take your part, oh, when darkness comes and pain is all around,
like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.

Sail on silver girl, sail on by.
Your time has come to shine, All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine, oh and when you need a friend,
I'm sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind.
[© 1969 Paul Simon]

First of all, I think that Lobaczewski has produced about the most valuable document for our times (or any times) that I have ever encountered. Every activist needs to read this material and read it carefully. You can't go into battle without studying the opposition, knowing their strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and so on. Lobaczewski and those other activists and resistance fighters have already been through this. They studied it and mapped it. And the fact is, if you don't study what you are up against, you will make stupid mistakes, you will think you are winning when you are losing, and conversely, you will think you are losing when the opponent is just bluffing.

This information is crucial. A good activist can NOT ignore it. He or she does so only at his or her own peril. Yeah, sure, it seems like a huge burden to have to deal with accusations and counter-accusations in the COINTELPRO world, but if we don't, we are toast. As Lobaczewski tells us:

"If physicians behaved like ethicists, i.e. left in the shadow of their personal experience of relatively un-esthetic disease phenomena because they were primarily interested in studying questions of physical and mental hygiene, there would be no such thing as modern medicine. Even the roots of this health-maintenance science would be hidden in similar shadows. In spite of the fact that the theory of hygiene has been linked to medicine since its ancient beginnings, physicians were correct in their emphasis upon studying disease above all. They risked their own health and suffered sacrifices in order to discover the causes and biological properties of illnesses and, afterwards, to understand the patho-dynamics of the courses of these illnesses. A comprehension of the nature of a disease, and the course it runs, after all, enables the proper curative means to be elaborated. "[Political Ponerology]

Just now, activists are the physicians of society. We can't do a thing if we don't know the nature of the disease and that is what Lobaczewski lays out for us in all its horrible detail. We don't want to give up in despair thinking we have incurable cancer when it is just the measles or something that must run its course and can lead to full recovery if proper nursing is applied.

The questions about COINTELPRO backed groups and individuals MUST be asked, but it must be asked in the proper context. The question is: Are such groups and individuals just "victims" of the social disease, or are they a vectors? Are they innocently manipulated by the special psychological knowledge of those with serious psychological pathologies, or are they carriers?

Either way, COINTELPRO is deliberate and planned at some level, whether the individual or group is privy to that planning or merely it's dupe. The REAL "enemies" are those individuals pulling his strings. The bottom line is, if the individual cannot be cured, if their egos are so big they cannot admit that they have been or are being manipulated, then those who seek "health" need to contain them like Typhoid Mary.

Modern COINTELPRO has been developed to an all new level of complexity and sophistication even if they still use many of the old tried and true methods of defamation and slander. After all, they have had access to some excellent talent to figure out how the human mind works and to know how to get to people and even to "trigger" them at a distance. I'm not talking about mysterious "mind control" experiments here, but simple psychological knowledge, though I won't discount the direct experimentation. After all, if you have some control over what kind of psychological "diet" is being fed to a society, you can pretty well set them up to do what you want right there in front of God and everybody. Education, religion, television, video games, control of the media for "ideological vectoring," etc. It's a pretty formidable array.

But again, most of it is "terror tactics." We need to study it and find the curative means and employ them.

For example, John Kaminski and Kurt Nimmo have come under COINTELPRO fire quite a bit lately. They are accused of being on the CIA payroll, of being "ex-Navy intell" and so on. How do you tell the difference? If they say they are not, that's what everybody expects them to say if they ARE. It's also what they would say if they aren't. People tend to forget that. It's like Bush pointing the finger at Iraq saying "You have WMD and because you say you don't, you are obviously lying." Then, of course, the truth came out that Iraq was telling the truth. But for a considerable period of time, lots of people bought into the "plausible lie" argument. You might want to reread all the COINTELPRO posts here, especially the one about the above mentioned "Plausible lies," and try to remember that when two people are each saying something completely opposite, it is NOT usually a case of the truth being somewhere in the middle: one of them may very well be lying and the other telling the truth and nothing but the truth. I wrote there:

The truth - when twisted by good liars, can always make an innocent person look bad - especially if he is honest and admits that he has faults. If someone is telling the simple truth, and the other side is lying through their teeth, the basic assumption that the truth lies between the testimony of the two sides always shifts the advantage to the lying side and away from the side telling the truth. Under most circumstances, this shift put together with the fact that the truth is going to also be twisted in such a way as to bring detriment to the innocent person, results in the advantage always resting in the hands of liars.

Also, when you read the post about Plausible lies, you will read something else: how to evaluate the two sides:

Proof is a familiar concept to those used to conventional logical thinking. However what passes for proof in cultural, social, and even legal terms often bears only a superficial resemblance to what would be considered proof by those who really use their minds to think.

For example: in formal mathematics, proof rules are established - postulates are set out and a structure is built based on the postulates and the theorem. Mathematical proof is pretty much inarguable: once a proof is accepted as true it is added to the pool of known truths.

In legal proof there is a set of rules and a theory which the prosecution presents, and attempts to prove the theory by clever argumentation rather than facts. Truth is not the objective. Getting other people to believe the theory IS the objective. However, the prosecution's theory is whatever the prosecutor believes that he can get away with based on what is known about the case, or what he can PREVENT from being known. What legal 'proof' does is serve as a structure for convincing a group of people of the guilt of a person, about whom they know nothing.

There is another significant difference: Mathematical proofs are judged by experts in the particular case who are free to study any and all information about the case. Legal 'proof' is judged by people who are guaranteed to be ignorant of the case, who are only allowed to study the information presented during the formal trial, and who are not even allowed to consult the texts for what the rules say.

Our culture is so permeated with this “legal argument” system that it extends into our daily experience: the one who is the slickest at using the structure for convincing a group of people of something, is the one who is believed. Very few people take the time to obtain hard facts by carefully studying any and all information about a situation.

How do I know John Kaminski and Kurt Nimmo are NOT disinformation artists or in the pay of the CIA or Navy intelligence? I have done due diligence. Not only do they use their real names, they also have a real history of their public life and deeds that is written in an open book for anyone who cares to read it. I also know from personal information that if the CIA has them on their payroll, they haven't ever sent any checks and both of them struggle to survive every day just like the rest of us. They need help and they aren't getting it.

Speaking of which: We (Ark and I and our research group) are portrayed as either beneficiaries of funds from George Soros, French Intell, CIA, or we are thieves who take people in, fleece them by scaring them to death, and then cast them aside like used kleenex. Here is one of the latest posted to a public BB:

Anonymous Coward
User ID: 67366
1/28/2006 6:01 AMRe: Ok, enough about Nancy and the Zetas. What do you all know about Laura and the Cassiopaeans?

Is LKJ the same as Il_Bagattel on STA?

'ill bagman' is not laura

he is a retired used car salesman and health food drink peddler from
newport beach CA, in his early sixties he means well but is a total C
dupe, fanatical, obsessed

he sold his property in CA for over half a mil and followed the cult to
france he read some C crapola about CA falling into the ocean, and he was
genuinely afraid! laura reinforced the conviction and invited him intor her
spider's web

he moved in to the castleopia dungeons but was within days, due to his
rather cloying used car salesman personality, made unwelcome by the cult -
some of the cultists said he was making unwelcome sexual advances and
remarks to younger female C dupes he was banished to a local village
nearby, where he still remains the village idiot

what happened to his money?

LOL, take a guess

but even though he was ostracised he still is so mind controlled that he
suffers from stockholm syndrome and thus constantly writes (at STA mainly)
about apoclayptic and other paranoid crapola but always referencing the
larks and Cs and always in a good 'light'

he is a very sad man and he has no idea how his life has been ruined by
these archons - no idea

that story can be repeated in many other cases, and i hesitate to guess
quite how many, and quite how much money and property has been stolen by
these 2 hucksterfrauds, not to mention minds and lives and shattered
relationships and marriages

i wonder if the larks understand the concept of karma?

roll on interpol
please DO YOUR JOB

How to deal with nonsense like that? And believe me, this is a mild example. You ain't been COINTELPROd professionally until there are websites set up for the express purpose of destroying your reputation and thusly your ability to do anything positive for others in this battle against Fascism we face today! I reckon we are about the most attacked people on the net, and we were being attacked when it wasn't fashionable. Maybe we're onto something?

Now, you want the truth? Can't you handle the earth-shaking revelation?

First of all, the individual referred to above is not a "used car salesman" or "health food drink peddler" except in the mind of the writer who denigrates him, and seeks to dirty everything he touches, especially us. The man's father was a Car dealer in the American Midwest. The individual in question owned several nightclubs in large cities there; he also was a musician and played drums in a couple of well-known 60s and 70s rock bands. Later, he joined a large vitamin manufacturer as marketing director. Normal life story. But somehow his life was cheapened and vulgarized in a few, short, sentences constructed by a psychopath.

This individual has been a long time reader of our website, a discussion group member, an activist, (he led a movement to stop the building of an airport in CA that would have destroyed an ecologically sensitive environment), and supporter. When he reached retirement age, he saw what was coming in the US - POLITICALLY and economically - and decided he wanted to retire to Europe. Yes, he was scared - nobody in their right mind wouldn't be - , and yes, he thought earthquakes in California were likely at some point in the future (as do many experts), but that isn't what was driving him: his main fear was Bush and the Neocons. Rightly so.

So, he wanted to get out. Since we were the only people he knew in Europe, and since we could sponsor him to come here, it was only natural that we do so. Yes, he sold his house before moving; that's natural. Yes, he stayed with us for 6 months while looking for his "ideal house," and then moved in there. I have no idea how much money he has or how much he made on the sale of his house. He helped out with groceries while he was here, made a loan to us when we needed additional funds to try to get a mortgage to buy a house (that fell through - loans get repaid) but that was it. We helped him, he helped us and that is pretty simple and ordinary stuff in anyone's life. But see what has been made of it? See the filthy allusions and insinuations? See how it has been twisted to contribute "proof" to the claim that we are just con-artists and run a doomsday cult?

Well, obviously, anyone who reads the work on our website knows better. That is why we take note of the sites that do and do not link to us. That is why it was so interesting to observe the reactions to the Pentagon Strike video which I have written about earlier. After the Washington Post made the mistake of publishing a link to our website, all of the damage control machine went to work and the ONE thing they wanted to avoid at ALL costs was publishing a link to our website.

We must scare them to death.

And I should note that the writer of the above nastiness is very likely Vincent Bridges, best buddy and co-author with Jay Weidner, who is best buddy of Jeff Rense. You know, you can follow these links around and with a little digging, figure out who is who... (hint)

Meanwhile, of course, Jeff Rense got listed on a government website as a major source of disinformation. As Robin Ramsay, Editor of Lobster, writes in February's issue of Fortean Times:

Recently, the US State Department has begun trying to rebut some of the current conspiracy theories about America. Their first targets were a couple of websites - and Conspiracy Planet - and the late Joe Vialls, an Australian. What a boost for the named sites! Attacked by the State Department![...]

[Y]ou don't have to be a PR genius to see that what you simply mustn't do is launch official attacks: all they do is amplify and legitimise the theories by announcing that they are deemed to be worth attacking. [Fortean Times 206, February 2006, p. 19]

Even though, as I noted in an earlier post here, Carol Morello of the Washington Post asserted that our Pentagon Strike video was single-handedly responsible for re-awakening the public interest in the "No-Boeing at the Pentagon" theory first put forward by Thierry Meyssan, never, EVER, have we been frontally attacked by any government agency. Nor will we be. As Ramsay notes above: "[Y]ou don't have to be a PR genius to see that what you simply mustn't do is launch official attacks: all they do is amplify and legitimise the theories by announcing that they are deemed to be worth attacking."

So certainly, we would expect real COINTELPRO operations to be attacked "officially" in order to legitimize them, (and that's what they did for Jeff Rense), but those who have figured out the real answers will not be martyred - at least not by the official government. It's way too dangerous. Rather, they will be crucified by "Third Party Agents" of COINTELPRO such as Vincent Bridges and his gang of cyber-psychos. And certainly, it is effective.

The problem is, because so few people really think, and most people are really programmed by the "Cult of the Plausible Lie," when folks like Vinnie and his buddy Storm Bear repeat this nonsense over and over again (and it started back in 2001), the average person tends to think "where there's smoke, there's fire." They don't know that it's ALL smoke and somebody else is blowing it!

The word "cult" has been deliberately made so pejorative that people actually cringe when they hear it. It was used with effective results in relation to the Jonestown people, the Branch Davidians at Waco, the Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate, etc. I certainly thought that those situations were as they were presented by the media myself at the time they happened. It was only later when WE were painted with the same brush that I started to wonder if there wasn't some psy-ops going on there: a deliberate manipulation of people's minds. I started looking into it and it sure looks that way. Do your own research, don't take my word for it.

What matters now is that 90 % or more of the US population still believe the lies about those people. (And I'm not defending their beliefs, whatever they might have been, just their right to have them and live peacefully which they were NOT permitted to do. They were hounded and flamed and infiltrated and lied about until they became so paranoid that they began to act erratically which then led to their destruction. Pure psychological manipulation.) I should mention here that the chief ranter of "cult, cult, cult!" in the case of the Waco tragedy, was Rick Ross, good buddy of Vinnie Bridges and Jay Weidner and probably, by extension, though it is hidden, Jeff Rense. (It is known that Rense has some decided Zionist connections so it strikes me that he could be a tar baby to collect all the anti-Zionist folks together, get info on them, and then subject them to later attacks by seemingly disconnected sources. There are also Zionist connections to Weidner and Bridges, by the way, and most definitely to Rick Ross.) By the way, has anybody but me noticed Jeff's ostensible "Christian Cult" bias?

Are we a cult? Hell no. If anything, we are anti-religion and anti-belief in anything. We prefer to collect data and assign probabilities based on scientific analysis. The REAL cults are protected by the so-called "anti-cult" people. They pretend to be "anti-cult" all the while they are subtly promoting a quite different agenda. Take a look at the website, the ostensible source of the libelous post I quoted above. This is supposed to stand for "Malevolent Alien Abduction Research." Now, get this: Colleen Johnston is saying that aliens are malevolent. WE are saying that, if aliens really exist as a great deal of evidence suggests they do, then they are malevolent because that is what the evidence points to. So what's Colleen's problem? Why does she have a beef with me?

Easy. And I'll tell you how I know. There are two people on her private discussion group who got curious about me because she wrote so vicious an article about me. (I don't think she wrote it, I think that Vinnie Bridges wrote it in her name - part of the COINTELPRO Greek Chorus strategy). So, these people came to our site to examine the evidence by reading the material we publish. Apparently, they were so disgusted with Colleen's obvious agenda, that they decided to forward to me all the exchanges she has with her group, her "teachings," so to say. It's quite a collection.

Reading this material was truly saddening:the blind leading the blind, but more than that, it was worrisome. You see, Colleen Johnston tells her followers that faith in Jesus is what is going to save them from Malevolent aliens.

Yup. Not a joke. And if they keep getting raped and abused (and how they glory in their descriptions of the "disgusting" sexual encounters with their reptoid tormenters!), then it is obviously because they haven't gotten the exact shade of feeling of faith to ward them off. Either that or it's "god's will" that they suffer.

Now, how can you be angry at something that ignorant and pathetic? (And by the way, if you want to listen in on a real exorcism where I never ONCE mention the name "Jesus," and do the job quite effectively anyway, go to our podcasts and listen to the one on "Channeling and Exorcism")

In any event, the "anti-cult" ranters have done a pretty effective job of making people afraid of the word to the point that it's like the Kitty Genovese case... a person can be being murdered - psychically, psychologically, and even literally - by these thugs and nobody will help because they are afraid of getting tarred with the same brush.

And THAT is the point. That's what COINTELPRO is set up to do. To divide and conquer the TRUE patriots and activists by slime propagated by the Third Party Attack Protocol.

Those who are really working for truth and peace will be attacked and marginalized. And then, if somebody starts to notice anything strange about this, they will set up "fake" attacks on each other to allay suspicion. No sooner had I made a public comment about the fact that Jeff Rense seemed to be curiously untouched by all of this than, lo and behold, within a few days he started publishing articles about how nasty letters were written to him from Zionists and his guests were being "threatened." However, he has never published an article about how *I*, as his guest, was certainly flamed and threatened by his pals Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges and HE published it himself.

And then along comes Daryl Bradford Smith with his "diet coke COINTELRPO" attack on Rense - you know, the flame with just one calorie?

The other day I saw another piece on about how the nasty Zionists were making anonymous phone calls to one of his guests and how upset that guest was. Well, gee whiz, I wish I ONLY got nasty anonymous phone calls! After many, MANY death threats, our names and address were published on the internet with invitations for some right thinking Neocon Zionists in our area to "take care" of us. Not long after, two of my children were nearly killed, (the car was totaled when an anonymous vehicle attacker deliberately ran my daughter off the road and if it hadn't been a Volvo, she would have been killed), our dog was poisoned, and we had enough. And then, of course, the "Greek Chorus" starts chanting: "oh, they are pretending to be activists but they really ran away because they are a cult and fleece people."

Yeah, right.

The problem is, the other side has no limits on what they can and WILL do. Every unethical option is open to them. It is NOT open to those who seek truth. For them, the end justifies the means. For us, the end IS the means: truth, as much as we can figure out, shouted as loudly as we can shout it. (Within safe limits, of course.)

But that doesn't mean that we can't take pages from their playbook.

We notice that their main weapon is something like a combination of a Greek Chorus and "clappers" planted in the audience, while the spellbinding actor weaves his illusion "onstage." It is a kind of psychological "herding" and "corraling."

I don't see anything wrong at all with utilizing a similar tactic.

But to do something like that, you have to have a network and that has to be created very carefully in order to weed out the "agents." That's where studying the phenomenon and doing due diligence comes in.

IF such a thing could be done, if such a group would come out in force whenever they see the stalker attacking a "Kitty Genovese", (i.e. any one of the members of said network), the network would come out in force and make it clear that they are NOT going to tolerate attacks on people who have proved themselves by their bona fides, and by their work.

The problem with forming such a unified network is Ego. So many people are invested in their beliefs and they have to hang on to them and if somebody over there doesn't believe the same way they do, they don't feel that they ought to support them. What we have to understand from the start is that most of these beliefs are PART OF THE PROGRAM. One has to be completely ruthless in examining the self and what one believes in order to get free of this stuff. Effectively that means that anyone who is attached to a "savior" scenarios is probably part of the program whether he or she is conscious of it or not. There aren't any saviors! No Jesus, no Avatar, no Aliens are gonna help haul our buns out of the fire. It's all up to us! That's it. And we can only do it with knowledge and awareness! But the kind of knowledge and awareness we need cannot be gotten alone!

Our Quantum Future Group has made a huge difference. Yeah, Vinnie and gang like to rant "cult" about the fact that we have a private, members-only group, and it's hard as hell to get in, but I can guaran-damn-tee that this is only because the PTB are afraid of people actually learning how to work together without egos. It's all about relationships and networking to do real research with all biases removed.

QFG is a blessing to me for a lot of reasons and one of these is that it is the members of this group that keep me fighting. Because many of them are there, in the U.S., even though I am here in France and COULD just relax and retire and let the world go to hell or let somebody else do the work,. Heck, I'm 54 this year, I don't have a lot of years left so why am I wearing myself out? I could shuck the whole nonsense, free myself of the grief that I suffer when I am unjustly attacked, the suffering my family has gone through because of those psychopaths, quit working 16 hour days, and just read and watch movies and prune roses. But I can't do that. There are too many people that I love. I will fight for them until I am cut down and I believe that they will do the same for me. I could be wrong, but I don't think so - they are very special people, every one of them!

Yes, there has been a period of "weeding out" COINTELPRO - that's a necessary stage for any group that hopes to remain cohesive and work toward a common goal. Those who have the seeds of selfishness have fallen away under various trials. In this sense, people like Vinnie and Jay are useful. Those who have the instinct for truth can see through them and their lies, and those who prefer lies because it makes things simple and keeps people from being mad at them for bucking the PTB, get taken in. Lobaczewski calls it "transpersonification." It's really that simple. We interact with people daily, monthly, year after year, and because of this they know us on a consistent, personal basis. Most of our group members have been to visit us and have visited each other. This group works together, researches together, and that means that each of them give of themselves daily just like in a family.

When you get to know people personally in such an exchange, you begin to care about them in a deep way. Our group is our real family and families help each other. The neighbors would not have ignored Kitty Genovese's cries for help if they had known her and interacted with her daily, or if they had been family, even "extended" family.

That's what is missing in the Anti-war and 9-11 truth movement. People working together, knowing each other well and personally, leaving their egos and prejudices at the door, doing good research with protocols, sharing and supporting each other for the sake of the goal and not personal fame and glory. The network needs to grow.

The members of the Quantum Future Group are our "Bridge Over Troubled Water." They work tirelessly alongside us on the "frontline," even if we do try to shield them from the flak and take the direct hits from the COINTELPRO gangs ourselves. We are able to stand up and do that because they are behind us, passing the ammunition, food and water, necessary intell, providing distractions and cover fire, and all kinds of things that can be expressed in battle metaphors. The cavalry may make the charge and attract the fire, but it cannot be successful without a kitchen, without an infirmary, without covering artillery fire, and without reconnaissance and foot soldiers.

So, the bottom line is, as long as the Quantum Future Group exists, as long as children who need a future exist, I'm not ready to give up yet. There is way too much at stake. Maybe I am clinging to hope because I am a mother and I want a future for my children and my extended family and their children. Maybe that hope is self-deception, just as a mother might cling to hope that her child will survive some terminal illness. I'll admit that up front. But even so, if my "child" dies, it won't be because I didn't do everything I could, right up to the last instant. And believe me, a desperate mother can be pretty creative when her child's life is at stake. There are all kinds of stories about mothers who did NOT take the diagnosis as the last word, who did their own research, who found new remedies, and who, in the end, healed their children by virtue of stubbornness, refusal to give up, and just plain cussedness. They can call me crazy, they can laugh at me, accuse me of whatever slime their filthy brains can come up with, gossip about me, flame and abuse me; it has nothing to do with me, and I ain't quittin'. I'll be your Bridge Over Troubled Water.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stephen Harper has no heart

My human and I watched a news clip this evening as newly elected Prime Minister Stephen Harper walked his kids to school.

He has two children, nine year old Ben and seven year old Rachel.

He brings them to the gate, says a few words, then shakes them both by the hand.

Just like they were diplomats or something, a pose in front of the media.

No hug. No kiss goodbye.

"Shake daddy's hand for the cameras sweetheart, and have a nice day at school."

One gesture can tell alot about a man, or in this case... a robot?

Miss Pickles

Fascism Doesn’t Always Roar... Sometimes, It Creeps on Cat’s Feet

by Mark S. Tucker
25 Jan 06

Lexicographers to the side, a word can, in certain instances, be best defined by its most ardent supporters. Catholics are not the wise choice in consulting a description of zen, History teachers are ill-equipped to define the vocabulary of quantum physicists, and one would not repair to the hut of a palm reader for technical terms in the building of 747s, so to whom might we go for a reliable working understanding of ‘fascism’? Why, to a fascist, of course!

And who better than Il Duce Benito Mussolini, a figure who once extolled it as the marriage of corporations and the State. One of the most faithful of its practitioners, we can trust this gentleman’s insight, I think, seeing as how he yet stands as a reliable yardstick, heels kicking in the air though they may have for his pains. [...]

Still Young at Heart

Jan. 25, 2006. 01:00 AM

PARK CITY,Utah—Canadian rock icon Neil Young says he's worried about Stephen Harper's election because the new Prime Minister is too much a fan of U.S. President George W. Bush.

"I understand we've got like a Bush subordinate in there now," Young told the Star.

"That's unfortunate. But he's got a minority, right? So we can get rid of him pretty soon."

Young, who retains his Canadian citizenship and hasn't become an American despite long-time residency in California, said he didn't cast a vote. He tends not to vote for anything.

"I don't follow it that much," he admits. "I'm guilty of not being a conscientious citizen in that way.

"It's too hard to stay connected with all these different places where I live. I see myself more of a citizen of the planet than I do a citizen of any country. Although I'm proud to be a Canadian and I'll never be anything else."

Young knows enough about Harper and the Conservatives, however, to be worried about what they might do in power.

"I'm worried about anybody who thinks Bush is on the right track in any way. And I understand this guy has displayed a few of those qualities. I'm worried about him." [...]

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conservatives in check


We enter 2006 with a new government.

The outcome of the Canadian federal election probably couldn't have worked out better. The scandal-plagued Liberals were punished, and Harper's ideologically far-right Conservative party were left with a small minority government with little power.

I have to give Canadian citizens credit, they voted smart this time. The people wanted change, and got it. Yet many are leery of Harper's secret agenda, and it showed. This election seemed to be less about voting FOR a particular party, but AGAINST a particular leader.

Canadians are giving the Conservatives a trial run, so to speak, to see how they'll do in the leadership position, knowing full well that they can be taken down if need be.

The question is... how long can Harper effectively disguise his U.S style fundamentalist Christian agenda? There are many members of his caucus that were cloistered and silenced during the campaign because of their right-wing conservative views.

Now that Harper is Prime Minister, they won't be silent for long.

It's only a matter of time before Stephen Harper's sheep disguise gives way to reveal the wolf beneath, and Canadians see what being CONSERVATIVE really means.

War in Iraq and Iran

Increased domestic surveillance

Increased military prescence in cities.

Anti-labour / Pro-corporate big business

Closer ties to the Americans

With the NDP failing to hold the balance of power, the only alliance the Con's can make is with the separatist Bloc, which seems unlikey.

However, imagine a CIA-sponsored terrorist attack in a major city in Quebec, which is then blamed on al-Qaeda. How long would it take for the Bloc and Con's to invoke the War Measures Act, and bring Canada in line with it's American neighbours.

But it could never happen here, right? ;-)

Interesting times ahead.


Miss Pickles

Blue light sighted in sea

By Zaigham Ali Mirza
Khaleez Times
21 January 2006

DUBAI — An evening stroll on a strip of beach near Fujairah turned out to be once-in-a-lifetime experience for a Sri Lankan family, when the breaking waves glowed with an eerie blue light.

Seventeen-year-old Hassanain Anwar realised it was an unusual natural phenomenon and shot a video clip of the glowing waves.

"I saw there were no buildings or other sources of artificial light anywhere around, so it couldn't have been reflected light. The only explanation was that this was a case of natural luminescence," he told Khaleej Times.

The phenomenon was first spotted by a friend of Hassanain's father, but the group only saw it clearly enough after the twilight faded into night.

"He was the first one to see the glow and drew our attention to it, but we couldn't see it until it was a bit dark," Hassanain said.

Excited by the rare and unexplainable spectacle, the teenager pulled out his mobile phone and shot a video clip of the occurrence.

"My father's friend said it was too dark for the camera in the mobile phone to record it clearly, and he felt this thing was best viewed by the human eye. Luckily for me, the video is clearer than I had expected," he added.

The phenomenon, though not yet reported in the UAE, is unusual but not rare, according to local experts.

Marine biologists attribute the phenomenon of glowing waves to bioluminescence in a variety of marine fauna and flora.

According to a local biologist, the source of bioluminescence in the present case must be tiny plant like organism called dinoflagellates (phytoplanktons), a majority of which are plankton, and live in the sea. They live in the sea where they obtain energy from the sunlight during the day, and emit a bright blue light at night. The phenomenon was featured in the Leonardo Di Caprio's movie, The Beach.

Dr Reza Khan, Head of Dubai Municipality's Zoo section in Jumeirah, said that the phenomenon, also known as Red Tide, usually occurs following a spurt in the growth of a species of dinoflagellates, which depends on climatic conditions and marine environment.

"The phenomenon is not rare and has been reported before in Khor Dubai," he said, adding that the video clippings and photographs of the phenomenon he has seen were not taken locally.

Responding to a question on the toxic aspect of the phenomenon, Dr Khan said that some species of the unicellular organisms are known to be toxic and affect filter feeders such as shellfish. "To know if the bloom involves a toxic species, samples would have to be tested," he explained.

Human deaths due to consumption of shellfish in areas experiencing a red tide have been reported in many countries and a number of initiatives have been undertaken in these countries to prevent Red Tides.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

In the land of the blind...




Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Stephen Harper is Dubya's tool


One week to go before the Canadian federal election, and if the polls are any indication, it appears as though Canadian citizens will likely be faced a majority Conservative government and 4+ years of iron-fisted rule.

These trends are troubling considering the cozy relationship between Amerika's dictator down south and our soon to be fuhrer Harper, I mean Prime Minister.

Do not be fooled. Stephen Harper represents the most evil, rightwing, jingoistic, intolerant, pro-war agenda ever to be seen in Canadian politics. If he had his way, Canadian soldiers would be dying by the truckloads in Iraq, and Canada would become a prime target for manufactured terrorist atacks.

Speaking of which, my feline prognosticative senses tell me that, if Stephen Harper is elected, citizens could soon well see a terrorist attack in a major Canadian city, that would frighten and mobilize the masses to support any draconian measures, including suspension of civil liberties, increased domestic surveillance, and alliance with our totalitarian neighbours as they further their war in the Middle East.

Of course any such attack will be blamed on the fictitious al-Qaeda, but you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be the American and Israeli secret services with blood on their hands.

Consider all the uproar over the latest set of Liberal attack ads, especially the one where they claim that a Harper government would likely result in troops with guns on the streets of Canadian cities. The Liberals said it was a mistake and that the ad should never have aired.

It is my opinion that the ad was released deliberately by the Liberals, knowing full well that there would be a backlash, but in effect the message got out there, and that was the plan all along.

The only problem with the ad that I can see, is that it didn't get enough play, because, if one is cognisant of how real politics is played and the ponerology behind it, it becomes apparent that what the Liberals are saying is TRUE!

Not saying that any of the political parties in Canada are any better than the others, as in life and politics, it is the most vile, ruthless, and psychopathic among us that seem to rise to the top.

However, in this case, it may indeed be better the devil you know...

Canada may be in for some rough times ahead.

Miss Pickles

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Above Top Secret = Disinformation

Hello Fellow Felines,

There has been much ballyhoo and kerfuffle going on behind the scenes in the 9/11 conspiracy movement, and for the uninitiated reader, it is difficult to sort through the morass of disinformation to find the the real gems and nuggets of truth that lie within.

One area of much debate concerns the "Achilles Heel" of the official government version of the events of September 11th, 2001, and that is whether or not a Boeing 757 commercial airliner crashed into the Pentagon.

For anyone who has studied the facts closely, it becomes apparant, due to the overwhelming lack of evidence at the crash site, that it was without a doubt, something other than a 757 that impacted the Pentagon that morning.

It seems that a large number of other people around the world have come to the same conclusion, because according to the latest statistics, the Pentagon Strike Video Flash presentation, produced by the Signs of the Times alternative news website, has now been seen by over 600 million people.

The main intent of the Pentagon Strike Video is to show in a very visual and concrete way, that whatever it was that impacted the Pentagon on 9/11 was not a Boeing passenger airliner, regardless of what the PTB have tried to assert since then.

Now, due the popularity of this short Flash presentation, those pulling the strings behind the scenes have gone into major damage control to divert, stem or modify it's effects. Stories in the Washington Post, Popular Mechanics, and others (all published after the the video was released), serve to debunk the "no plane at the Pentagon" theory.

It seems the folks at SOTT have "rattled a few Bushes" with this one... ;-)

Further, what is quite surprising, is that a number of "9/11 conspiracy researchers" have also jumped on board the damage control train. Whether it is due to extreme wishful thinking and holding on to the absurd belief that the US government couldn't possibly be so evil as to deliberately murder 3,000 of it's own citizens, or whether these reserachers are actual government agents, the effect is the same; namely to create noise and factionalize the 9/11 truth movement.

The most insidious of these government-sponsored fake-front alternative discussion boards is Above Top Secret, and a new article published by someone named CatHerder, that tried desperatley hard (and ultimately fails) to prove the "official version" of the 757 hitting the Pentagon.

Anyway, Joe Quinn, one of the editors at Signs of the Times, has written an excellent rebuttal to CatHerder's article, which resulted in much flack and backlash from the folks at Above Top Secret, who appear to be scrambling to maintain their facade of objectivity.

A flurry of emails between the ATS site owners and the Laura Knight Jadczyk of the Signs page is chronicled for all to see at Laura's blog which can be found here...

The exchange begins with Laura's first blog entitled How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents, and finishes with the following post which I am reprinting in it's entireity.

COINTELPRO Updates: Above Top Secret Forum

Things have been pretty interesting around here in the past week. Seems that Joe Quinn's critique of the Above Top Secret forum posting about the 757 that did NOT hit the Pentagon has hit a nerve.

The first indication that we had that something was up was the fact that the Signs of The Times site statistics had a bit of a surge.

Now we keep a pretty good eye on our site statistics because we like to know what subjects really interest our readers. So when there is a surge, we know we are doing our job. This is most particularly true with the publication of the Pentagon Strike video: obviously, so many people "resonated" to the facts presented in this video that the current number of viewers is approacing 600 million.

Yes, that's right: 600 MILLION. It will soon be one of the most widely disseminated items ever to be published on the internet.

For the "Powers That Be," that's a problem.

The result of this statistical analysis is the fact that we KNOW that hundreds of millions of people do NOT believe that a 757 hit the Pentagon. They would not be avidly sharing the Pentagon Strike video with their family, friends, acquaintances, to the extent that they have done so if they were not trying to use it as a way of communicating something that is difficult to put into words, not to mention dangerous considering the Fascist takeover of America by Bush and the Neocons.

Enter: Above Top Secret Forum.

Well, actually, we hadn't really paid too much attention to the ATS forum until it became almost a daily event for someone to send us, or post to our modest discussion forum, the link to this ATS post by "CatHerder." (Gee, even the name of the poster gives a COINTELPRO impression; imagine someone trying to herd cats?! That's probably how the PTB view people - a bunch of disorderly cats that need to be herded in a particular direction.) We didn't know that the ATS forum moderators had made thinly veiled negative references to our own work in their manipulative posts as we show in the Frozen Fish analysis.

We ambled over to ATS to read the article and recognized it immediately for what it was: a slick, manipulative piece of journalism designed to take in individuals who are easily bamboozled. After the first time or two that the link was posted to our forum, then people began to try to post the entire article. We rejected it a dozen times or more simply because it was what it was: disinformation. The fact is, we are in the news publishing business because we intend it as a teaching tool, and we try to check material for validity and to weed out as many lies as possible so our readers don't have to waste a lot of their valuable time reading garbage. Unlike sites such as and others, which publish just about anything indiscriminately, we DO try to publish responsibly. If we utilize mainstream articles that we suspect are "agenda slanted," we try to add comments pointing out the obvious, or at least publish such an article juxtaposed against another that makes clear the agenda. We also use flashbacks to remind readers that a current article may be saying something exactly the opposite of what was said a few weeks, months, or even years ago. In short, our idea is to help readers learn to think, to spot the deceptions, and to develop or refine their own internal BS meters.

At the same time, as noted, we DO keep a close eye on our statistics so that we know what items interest the greatest number of people which then prompts us to do more research on those items so as to bring to our readers more material that will satisfy that desire for information.

As I said, we hadn't really paid a lot of attention to the ATS people up to the point in time when a cadre of what we think of as COINTELPRO "floaters" repeatedly tried to force us to publish the ATS CatHerder piece on our own website. Based on our assessment of the piece, it would have been the same thing as publishing - and giving credibility to - disinformation. We simply weren't going to do it - without commentary as we do when we publish any piece that we consider to be "agenda directed." The problem was, it was such a long and slippery piece that it needed quite a bit of writing just to deal with the nonsense presented as "logic." We didn't have the time or the inclination. Yet, over time, the questions from sincere readers kept coming in and made us aware that the ATS article was obviously an item that our readers wanted us to address.

In the end, that was exactly what we did: we published it with commentary.

I rather think that if we had published it as a regular news piece on the Signs of The Times daily pages with NO comment, what happened next would not have happened.

But first, let me mention that we did get a lot of positive feedback on the article from readers, including several entries to our discussion forum, one of which really made us laugh:

I want a bumper sticker and a t-shirt that reads.... "Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 and Neither Did a Boeing 757"

We just may see what we can do about that! I expect that such an item would sell in the millions based on the popularity of the Pentagon Strike video dissemination stats!

Now, off to the side, I was, at that moment in time, coincidentally, involved in a discussion with a couple of well-known Anti-war activists about my previous blog post: How to Spot COINTELPRO Agents . I had written to these people in a private email on Jan 3rd:

I have been thinking about a lot of things over the past few days and decided to make an experimental post to my blog. It was an interesting exercise because re-reading and re-thinking always leads to new understanding.

One of the things that stood out for me in the section about Rick Ross and his "cult awareness network" was this from the Cletus Nelson piece I included (published on The Lew Rockwell site):

"Evidence suggests that these unsubstantiated claims which continue to shade our perception of the events at Mt. Carmel can be attributed to a small cadre of para-political "watchdog" groups.

"... in the lucrative realm of public policy activism lurk a number of pro- government advocacy groups whose very existence rests upon the notion that cult activities, political extremism or some other unnamed evil constitutes a dangerous threat to state power.

"In order to identify the alleged thought criminals in our midst, operatives aligned with these private surveillance networks infiltrate unconventional spiritual or religious movements, maintain files on American citizens, and work closely with both media and law enforcement to target individuals and organizations whose beliefs run counter to establishmentarian beliefs.

"In essence, these ersatz defenders of human rights act as de facto spokesmen for our emergent surveillance society. It’s COINTELPRO redux, only this time with help from a network of dubious, yet-well compensated agents."

Even though I already *knew* that it was so at some level, I hadn't really given much conscious thought to the fact that so-called "watchdog groups" that rant "cult, cult, cult" [or a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon] are evidently aligned with the National Security State as this article suggests.

In short, any group or individual who goes around with the kinds of rants that Weidner, Bridges (and his buddy Storm Bear Williams and gang)do, are clearly "operatives" that work closely with media and law enforcement to target individuals and organizations whose beliefs run counter to the state sanctioned Mind Control System.

We have to learn how to sort the true from the false.

Nobody was greener than I was back in summer 2001 when it all began... and if it hadn't been for the C's, I would already be toast. But I learned a lot while skirting the edges of disaster and one of the things that has stood me in good stead is a little hint from Gurdjieff:

"A decent man will behave decently even if he thinks that he has been treated unjustly or wrongly. But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature which otherwise they would never show. And at times it is a necessary means for exposing a man's nature. So long as you are good to a man he is good to you. But what will he be like if you scratch him a little?"

When dealing with COINTELPRO, you don't even have to treat someone unjustly or wrongly, generally just disagreeing with them will do. Or doing something they don't want you to do. Just small "scratches" usually sort people out.

The very next thing that happened - within hours of writing the above - was that we received an email from Above Top Secret as follows:
Mark - From : USA wrote : I am disgusted by your accusation that, LLP is a "Government funded damage control outlet" I ask that you retract that lie.

My partners and I have spent the last several years building that site and have NEVER received a nickel from ANY government, never been asked to do ANYTHING for or by ANY government and NEVER WILL.

The fact we attract logical members who present THIER analysis and ask that other members treat them with COURTEOUSNESS and keep the discussion at an ADULT level sans flames and rediculous off topic commentary does NOT make us anything more or less than what we are. The number ONE destination on the internet to FREELY Deny Ignorance.

It is truly SAD that when a site allows ALL sides of an issue to be heard people like YOU who believe hook line and sinker there is a conspiracy where there may or may not be one, feel the need to falsely accuse us of being crooked. It makes me SICK and SAD for you.

You obviously haven't read the THOUSANDS of posts that actually SUPPORT your perspective on our site, no that would be too much work wouldn't it?

Much easier to cast a negative light upon our site in the hopes of getting yourself some attention isn't it?

Thoroughly disappointed in and DISGUSTED with YOU.


Partner,, LLP

Note: the IP that was logged from this post tracks back to Geary,Oklahoma.

I forwarded the email to the group of Anti-war activists I was discussing COINTELPRO with along with the following comments: is a perfect example of the principle I mentioned last night: how a person behaves when you "scratch" him a little.
"A decent man will behave decently even if he thinks that he has been treated unjustly or wrongly. But many people in such circumstances show a side of their nature which otherwise they would never show. And at times it is a necessary means for exposing a man's nature. So long as you are good to a man he is good to you. But what will he be like if you scratch him a little?"

Yes, we have read the posts that supported the conspiracy view of 9/11 on their site, but we also read their own posts where they worked very hard to make those who supported the insider complicity argument feel stupid.

This [email from AboveTopSecret reveals the same kind of outrage that comes from people like Vinnie and Jay and the gang... they are "outraged" and "sick and sad" for us and so on and so forth. Smoke and mirrors.

And of course, we are "invited" to feel guilty by accusing us of us "casting a negative light" in order to "get attention."

What "Mark" is most exercised about seems to be the suggestion that Above Top Secret is a "government funded damage control outlet." Methinks he protests too much.

Now, what would have happened if he had written to me and said: "Hey, I read your piece and even though we disagree on the subject, I would like to object to being labeled a disinfo source. I set up the site for the same reasons you have your site: to find the truth. I just don't see any evidence of what you are saying... " etc etc...

But, since he is not there to argue the evidence, but rather to promote the lies, he can't do that. And people like that only know one way to function: to seek to destroy the other views by ridicule, shaming, playing guilt cards, aggressive insults, etc. Even if they try to mask their behavior by platitudes about being adult and courteous, they belie it by their own words. In other words, they know the words, but not the music. They are blind to their own lack of courtesy to the truth.

Or, they are disinfo...

My money is on the latter.

Ark responded to Mark/Springer of AboveTopSecret as follows:

To: Date sent: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 08:10:18 +0100 Subject: Re: Your false accusation
On 4 Jan 2006 at 0:08, wrote: > You obviously haven't read the THOUSANDS of posts that actually SUPPORT your > perspective on our site, no that would be too much work wouldn't it? > > Much easier to cast a negative light upon our site in the hopes of getting > yourself some attention isn't it? > > Thoroughly disappointed in and DISGUSTED with YOU.

Well, if you are welcoming posts supporting our perspective, than you should be also happy (rather than disapointed and disgusted) that there is another view supporting our perspective - namely OUR view.


ark ################################################## Dr Arkadiusz Jadczyk

Somebody must have been reading our minds, or at least, they saw the glitch and hurried to smooth it over. The next day, an email came from another AboveTopSecret "partner" - to Ark's private email address rather than the site address. Obviously, he got this from Mark/Springer, above.

To: Arkadiusz Jadczyk Subject: Your 9/11 article on your website... Send reply to: From: "SkepticOverlord" Date sent: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 07:56:16 -0600


It has come to our attention that your article here: Is in violation of our clearly stated Creative Commons Deed, linked here: You have developed a derivative work (your content, integrated with our content) for commercial purposes (to promote the sale of a book.)

This is in clear violation of our stated license. The concept of "fair use" does not apply in this case since your current utilization of our material is in clear violation of our stated use rights.

However, in the interest of balanced debate on this subject, we do not necessarily desire the material to be removed from your site. We would be happy to see it to remain if you would kindly make the following changes: 1) Comply with the "BY:" attribute of our Creative Commons Deed (proper link and attribution). 2) Alter the HTML file name so that it does not contain our site name. 3) Alter the images directory so that it does not contain our site name. 4) Remove the text link at the bottom that promotes the sale of a book in context with your article (the banner link at the left for the same book can certainly remain since it is not in context with the text of your article).

Thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation.

Bill, aka "SkepticOverlord" Community and Technology Director Partner in, LLP

Note: Skeptic Overlord's email came from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Nothing unusual about that.

Since there was already clear identification of the author and source of the article in the first paragraph of our article, including an ACTIVE LINK to same, it seemed to us that the primary issue that AboveTopSecret had with us was the naming of the file and images folder on our website. Anyone familiar with our website knows that there are thousands of files, most of which are named after the subject matter they contain, which is the easiest way for us (or anyone) to keep track of them. If we want to find a file and make a correction, addition, or whatever, that's how we find it in the list.

Now why, we asked ourselves, would AboveTopSecret be concerned about the name of the file and the name of the images folder on our website?

There was only one obvious answer: they were concerned about search engines, that a search engine would display a link to our damning analysis of their Pro-government agenda among the returns given to anyone searching for "Above Top Secret." In short, they wanted to "own" the phrase and to monopolize the views of readers.

Not a very good example of their claimed desire to present "all sides of a question," now is it?

So, Ark replied:

To: Subject: Re: Your 9/11 Article Date sent: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 18:14:36 +0100
On 5 Jan 2006 at 14:16, wrote: > It has come to our attention that your article here: > > > Is in violation of our clearly stated Creative Commons Deed, linked here: > > >


Sorry to say, but what you say does not make any sense whatsoever.

Can you explain? Do you mean that it is your policy to be a governement agency? Or what?



Skeptic Overlord was fast on the draw. He responded:

From: "SkepticOverlord" Copies to: Date sent: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 11:54:17 -0600

For now I'll ignore the insult and try to remain cordial.

From our vantage point, the manner in which you presented the content of your article here:

Appears to be designed to capitalize on our content both for commercial purposes (the selling of a book) and user confusion (file and directory names "above_top_secret").

For now, we're hoping to assume that non-compliance with our Creative Commons License ( ) is accidental. And that no malicious intent is behind using our unique site name in the naming conventions of your content.

(More information on creative commons here: )

The non-compliance is related to two issues:

1) Your author, Joe Quinn, and has developed a derivative work based on our material. This is not allowed under the terms of the linked CC deed. 2) Our content is used in conjunction with solicitation for the sale of a book titled, "9/11: The Ultimate Truth". This is also a violation of the terms in our linked CC deed.

The CC deed link is provided at the bottom of every piece of content on our site, and clearly provides information on how our material can be reused.

In addition, including our site name as a part of the naming system for the HTML file and subdirectories is indicative of potential malicious intent to confuse web surfers and search engines. We hope this is accidental.

We believe our request for changes to be in the spirit of collaborative debate on these important issues. Rather than insist our content be removed (which is within our rights under the clearly stated usage guidelines), we're asking for the following: 1) Comply with the "BY:" attribute of our Creative Commons Deed (proper link and attribution). 2) Alter the HTML file name so that it does not contain our site name. 3) Alter the images directory so that it does not contain our site name. 4)Remove the text link at the bottom that promotes the sale of a book in context with your article (the banner link at the left for the same book can certainly remain since it is not in context with the text of your article).

Thank you. "SkepticOverlord" Community and Technology Director Partner in, LLP

So, we were right: there it was, explicitly stated: "including our site name as a part of the naming system for the HTML file and subdirectories is indicative of potential malicious intent to confuse web surfers and search engines. We hope this is accidental." The rest was just nonsense.

They apparently do NOT wish for any alternative view of what they are promoting to be available. Control of search engine results is solely what they are after. That suggests some serious COINTELPRO thinking has gone into the website AboveTopSecret, especially in terms of vectoring websearches and seekers of information. Ark was curious about these two approaches, the "good cop, bad cop" routine. So, he wrote back to "Skeptic Overlord," (geez, that "handle" is sure suggestive too!)

Notice also that a CC of the above email has been sent to a "Simon Gray." Hmmmm.... Who is Simon Gray? We'll get to that soon enough...

From: Arkadiusz Jadczyk To: Subject: Re: Your 9/11 Article BCC to: Date sent: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:20:21 +0100
> For now I'll ignore the insult and try to remain cordial.


Does that mean that you do not agree with the Mark ( ) who wrote to us:

"Much easier to cast a negative light upon our site in the hopes of getting yourself some attention isn't it?

Thoroughly disappointed in and DISGUSTED with YOU."

I undestand from his letter that he (or you?) was not happy with our criticism, but he did not provide any argument why our tentative conclusion was incorrect.

Now you seem to provide arguments that our tentative conclusion was correct, right?

So, if I am correct, in a sense you are arguing with

Can't you guys solve these problems within your institution?



Skeptic Overlord replied:

From: "SkepticOverlord" Copies to: Date sent: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 12:41:10 -0600

I'm not aware of what Mark had sent you. However, is has no bearing on the reality that your article violates our published usage rights.

In my position as Community Director, I have no desire to debate which point of view is more valid or not, only to resolve the issues I've outlined in both of my emails.

Pleased indicate your intent specific to the concerns I've communicated.

Thank you.

Ark forwarded the comments of Mark/Springer to Skeptic Overlord who then responded:

From: "Arkadiusz Jadczyk" To: "SkepticOverlord" Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 06:01 PM Subject: Your 9/11 Article
> I'm not aware of what Mark had sent you.

OK, Here it is: [Mark/Springer's email snipped] And here is what I wrote back to him:

"Well, if you are welcoming posts supporting our perspective, than you should be also happy (rather than disapointed and disgusted) that there is another view supporting our perspective - namely OUR view."

I still keep the same attitude. Only through an open discussion and analyzing all the available data there is any hope of ever getting to the truth.

Kind regards,


One thing that was becoming abundantly clear was that was NOT the least bit interested in really searching for the truth of anything. So far, their only issues were commercial and suppressing competing information. We next received an email from another individual who wrote:

Date sent: 5 Jan 2006 18:23:38 -0000 To: Arkadiusz Jadczyk From: Subject: ATS catherder article rebuttal

Amar - From : USA : California wrote :

I was wondering if you would please comply with ATS's terms of service and creative commons license so that we can discuss your debunking article of Catherder's Pentagon plane crash article. I am not a government agent and neither is Skeptic's Overlord of AboveTopSecret. I am just a normal human being that is wanting a fair argument on what really happened at the pentagon and using your article to discuss the controversy at ATS will help a lot, but we can only use your website if you comply with ATS's rules.

thank you,


Well, since we had, as far as we knew, from the beginning, complied with the standard legal requirements of Fair Use for criticism and analysis, (including source and link), it seemed that the AboveTopSecret forum Overlords were putting pressure on members of their own forum to put pressure on us so the members could discuss our analysis of CatHerder's disinfo piece in the forum that claimed to be willing to discuss all sides of an issue! Ark decided to see if he find out what was really going on:

To: skepticoverlord Date sent: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 20:26:10 +0100 Subject: Re: Your 9/11 Article
On 5 Jan 2006 at 13:05, SkepticOverlord wrote: > As requested, please focus on the issues I've itemed in my emails. > > Thanks.


Just a while ago I got the following:

[Amar's message, quoted above, snipped]

Can you tell me who is "Amar"? Or is it you in disguise? The IP suggest the second conjecture...


At the same time, we decided, in the spirit of cooperation, to see if we could come to an agreement. Ark wrote the following:

From: Arkadiusz Jadczyk To:,, Subject: Re: Your 9/11 Article Date sent: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 21:13:44 +0100


here is the more technical part:

On 5 Jan 2006, at 11:54, SkepticOverlord wrote: > > >From our vantage point, the manner in which you presented the content of > >your article here: > > Appears to be designed to capitalize on our content both for commercial > purposes (the selling of a book) and user confusion (file and directory names > "above_top_secret").

The intent of the article is self-evident: education and, to some extent, parody.

> > For now, we're hoping to assume that non-compliance with our Creative Commons > License ( ) > is accidental. And that no malicious intent is behind using our unique site > name in the naming conventions of your content.

"Above Top Secret" is a common phrase, long in use.

> > (More information on creative commons here: ) > > The non-compliance is related to two issues: > 1) Your author, Joe Quinn, and has developed a derivative work based on our > material. This is not allowed under the terms of the linked CC deed.

Joe Quinn's work is not "derivative." It is transformative commentary and parody. In a 1994 case, the Supreme Court emphasized Transformative in Character as being a primary indicator of fair use.

* Has the material been transformed by adding new expression or meaning?

* Was value added to the original by creating new information, new aesthetics, new insights and understandings?

In a parody, for example, the parodist transforms the original by holding it up to ridicule. Purposes such as scholarship, research or education may also qualify as transformative.

All of these apply in this instance.

2) Our > content is used in conjunction with solicitation for the sale of a book > titled, "9/11: The Ultimate Truth". This is also a violation of the terms in > our linked CC deed.

It is not a violation of copyright law as defined above.

> > The CC deed link is provided at the bottom of every piece of content on our > site, and clearly provides information on how our material can be reused.

Thanks. We'll stick with standard copyright law.

> > In addition, including our site name as a part of the naming system for the > HTML file and subdirectories is indicative of potential malicious intent to > confuse web surfers and search engines. We hope this is accidental.

From our point of view, it is the simplest way to identify the file in the many thousands of files on our website(s).

> > We believe our request for changes to be in the spirit of collaborative > debate on these important issues. Rather than insist our content be removed > (which is within our rights under the clearly stated usage guidelines), we're > asking for the following: 1) Comply with the "BY:" attribute of our Creative > Commons Deed (proper link and attribution).
As soon as the webmaster returns from Ireland, we'll have him make the requested changes.
2) Alter the HTML file name so > that it does not contain our site name.

Sorry, but that is not possible. As noted above, it is the easiest way to identify the file among the many thousands of files on our website(s).

3) Alter the images directory so that > it does not contain our site name.

Sorry, but that is not possible. As noted above, it is the easiest way to identify the files among the many thousands of files on our website(s).

4) Remove the text link at the bottom that > promotes the sale of a book in context with your article (the banner link at > the left for the same book can certainly remain since it is not in context > with the text of your article).

In the spirit of cooperation, we will agree to this request.



The only response was the following:
To: Arkadiusz Jadczyk Subject: Re: Your 9/11 Article From: "SkepticOverlord" Date sent: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 21:40:13 -0600

Please confirm if this is your correct mailing address: Laura Jadczyk Dluga 40 m3 Castenau Barbarens, 32450 FR

(Obtained from the public domain record)

Thank you.

Now, let's come back to the question: Who is Simon Gray??? Frankly, until this little tempest in a teapot, we had never heard of the guy.

As it happens, a little investigation produces the following WhoIs information about


Gray, Simon 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3EJ UK


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact: Gray, Simon 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3EJ UK +44 1793 486619 fax: 999 999 9999

Record expires on 19-May-2013. Record created on 18-May-1997. Database last updated on 6-Jan-2006 08:22:18 EST.

Domain servers in listed order:


What is MOST interesting is that the information on this WhoIs entry was updated on 6 January 2006. Wonder what triggered that? I also wondered what it said before January 6, 2006? At first we thought that the "database" meant just the general website database, and that it was, perhaps, just generally "updated" according to some schedule and this meant nothing. So, we did some experiments with our own WhoIs data to see what the results would be. Sure enough, it is when the "client" themselves go to the database to add, subtract, correct, or change information that it is recorded as an "update."

Next I found an interesting post on a discussion forum named (thread name: ABOVETOPSECRET.COM CIA)as follows:

I did a trace route on, the Node Name is listed and maintained by the government.

IP Address 213.206.128 213.206.129 213.206.130

Node Name Gov-bb21-lan-14 Gov-bb22-lan-15 Gov-bb23-lan-16

Location Langley, Virginia

MS 60

Network Used (for military network information)

It was difficult to get the IP Address, It was spoofed and looped over 9 times. Anyway Langley, Virginia is where the CIA headquarters is. I?m more than concerned.

The discussion on that board is interesting because we notice "Springer" there and a general "ha ha that was a great joke" attitude about the above quoted "find." Looking further, we discover the raw whois output for

Registrant: Gray, Simon 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3EJ UK


Administrative Contact: Gray, Simon 1 Sackville Close Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 3EJ UK +44 1793 486619 fax: 999 999 9999

Technical Contact: Network Solutions, LLC. 13200 Woodland Park Drive Herndon, VA 20171-3025

US 1-888-642-9675 fax: 571-434-4620

Record expires on 21-Oct-2013. Record created on 21-Oct-2003. Database last updated on 7-Jan-2006 06:48:53 EST.

Domain servers in listed order:


Again we notice that the WhoIs database was updated just today, January 7, 2006. Seems that the issue of whether or not AboveTopSecret may be COINTELPRO has provoked a flurry of "updating" activity.

Again we wonder: Who is Simon Gray?

On the AboveTopSecret website you will find the following:

ATS Weekly: Edition 001 July 19, 2005

A Word From Our Founder This is a fantastic time for Over the past few years we have seen tremendous growth in many ways, most notably in terms of the sheer amount of people who visit the ATS websites. These people have formed together into a collective virtual community, and together have expanded the wealth of information on our website to nearly a quarter of a million accessible pages, making us one of the most highly regarded websites of our genre.

Moderator's Musings When thinking about what to write here, the first thing I thought about was how much I personally appreciate ATS. So this little article is a BIG thank you to everyone that makes ATS what it is. Thanks to Simon for creating ATS. Thanks to SkepticOverlord for the continued work to improve and protect the site. Thanks to the Staff who do a wonderful job keeping the quality of input here the best on the Net. [...] From the Front OfficeWelcome to the first edition of the newly tooled and re-imagined ATS newsletter. Just twelve days ago one of your board adminstrators, William One Sac, thought it might be a good idea to resurrect Simon's old email newsletter. It ended up being such a good (and obvious) idea, several people worked diligently behind the scenes to make sure it happened in a way everyone could be proud of. And for members of the discussion board community, there's a great deal to be proud of.

Interestingly, a search on google for Simon Gray brings up the following result:

Who besides Simon Gray and the 'Bildebergers' can you source regarding US concentration camps stowing & drugging 2 million americans? & tell us Simon's credentials? TIA

Registrant: Gray, Simon (ABOVETOPSECRET-DOM) 1 Sackville Close Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Domain Name:

Administrative Contact, Technical Contact: Gray, Simon (SG2699) simon@ABOVETOPSECRET.COM 1 Sackville Close Swindon Wilts SN3 3EJ UK (01793) 486619

Record expires on 19-May-2001. Record created on 18-May-1997. Database last updated on 24-Aug-2002 12:09:13 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


Did you notice that Sackville Close is now partly in California and partly in UK? How interesting! Well, we are not going to criticize anyone for fudging on their home address. Considering the kinds of attacks that we have experienced in this "business," we don't hold it against anyone for wanting to protect themselves from lunatics.

Figuring out just who Simon Gray is has actually been turned into a promotional enterprise at It looks like they are trying to create a legend. (Which reminds me that their own material is presented in the context of a huge commercial enterprise that is obviously focused on making money!)

WIN 10,000 POINTS! "Who is Simon Gray?"

William posted on 26-8-2003 at 09:50 PM

Now that we have a nice shiny new points system... let's have some fun!

Who is Simon Gray?

What does he do? What does he look like? What are his hobbies? What does he eat? Does he shave? Perhaps he fancies a certain kind of ladies under-arm deodorant?

These are the burning questions that have tormented the denizens of Above Top Secret for years-on-end.

Well, now is your chance to add the fiction that has become legend that will become myth. Help us paint the complex tapestry of the person known as, "Simon Gray" so that the legend may become larger than life... nay, larger than the planet... nay, larger than the solar system!

Post your best prose. Find your best photos. Describe your best "Simon Gray".

The winner, as judged by forum staff, will receive 10,000 bright shiny new points directly from the ATS mint. These points are good for any merchandise in the ATS store and may not be redeemed for ladies under-arm deodorant.

Well, begins to look like a dramatically STAGED "experiment." And I use the word "staged" deliberately. Have a look here:

Deja vu, all over again

2005 has been a year of the sequel, the remake and the revival - and no bad thing for all that

Mark Lawson Friday December 30, 2005 The Guardian

Was 2005 the year when art ran out of ideas? December always encourages retrospection but looking back at the culture of the last 12 months constantly involves a double jump as every new idea seems to have an old one behind it.


A similar generosity is possible towards the number of repeats in theatre this year. These were not lazy restagings but exuberant rediscoveries, including an improbable pair of Schiller hits (Don Carlos and Mary Stuart), little-known Ibsens (Pillars of the Community) and John Osbornes (Epitaph for George Dillon), and a neglected Simon Gray (Otherwise Engaged.) All of these productions imbued the word "revival" with an almost medical meaning.

Is the Simon Gray of the playwright, Simon Gray? Before discarding that as a possibility, I thought I would pull on that thread a bit. Encyclopedia Brittanica tells us:

Simon Gray born Oct. 21, 1936, Hayling Island, Hampshire, Eng.

[...] British dramatist whose plays, often set in academia, are noted for their challenging storylines, witty, literary dialogue, and complex characterizations.

Gray alternately lived in Canada and England, attending Westminster School in London; Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (B.A., 1957); and Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1961). While working as a university lecturer in both countries, he wrote satiric novels and farcical plays for stage and television. His first stage play was Wise Child (1968), which features a criminal transvestite.

Gray's first international success was Butley (1971; filmed 1974), a play about a petulant university professor whose venomous wit masks an inner emptiness. Similarly, Otherwise Engaged (1975) concerns a sardonic publisher who strives to isolate himself but is prevented from doing so by a series of dramatic interruptions. Quartermaine's Terms (1981) is the sadly comic story of a gentle, ineffectual English teacher. Among Gray's other plays are Spoiled (1971), The Rear Column (1978), The Common Pursuit (1984), Hidden Laughter (1990), Cell Mates (1995), Fat Chance (1995), and Simply Disconnected (1996).

As I pursued the thread, I came to the idea that the playwright, Simon Gray, is NOT the "Simon Gray" of AboveTopSecret - unless he is having a good laugh at everyone's expense. See also:

Disgruntled drollery, Saturday March 5, 2005, The Guardian, a review of The Smoking Diaries, by Simon Gray.

Then there are excerpts from a review of the play mentioned in the above quoted Guardian article.

So much for Simon Gray, the playwright. He lives in London, as one source mentions, not Sackville Close. Problem is, NO Simon Gray lives in Sackville Close that I could discover.

One of our researchers who lives in UK wrote:

There is a thread here that might add to what you have so far: I found it from searching against the postcode, as the address just sounded weird to me. I worked in Swindon for about six years and as far as I remember the area where Sackville Close is, comprises mostly old Victorian terraced houses in a none too inspiring part of the town. If you lived there and had any money you would probably use it to move somewhere else!

The link goes to the Let's Roll 9-11 discussion board where the topic is: Above top secret, is it Dis info?

Apparently, others have been asking similar questions for some time now and the details given at the above link are quite revealing.

We find tracks of AboveTopSecret's Simon Gray rather early on the web:

Topic in

Simon Gray Jul 6 1999, 8:00 am Newsgroups: From: "Simon Gray" Date: 1999/07/06 Subject: GREAT WEBSITE !!!

Under "" we find another:

Newsgroups: From: "Above Top Secret" Date: 2000/03/22 Subject: www. Above Top Secret .com - The UK's ultimate website for US conspiracies

This is the UK's ultimate conspiracy website for those interested in Area 51, secret government projects, aircraft programs including a very detailed Aurora page, agencies, and even hacking information.

Multi-award winning information.

-- Simon Gray - Webmaster/Researcher of E-Mail -

And so on. If you go to the above links, you can click "find messages by this author" and you will get 184 returns, among which are the following:

Movies -- Simon Gray - Webmaster/Founder of http://www.AboveTopSecret. com E-Mail - Get Paid For Nothing! ... alt.2600.hackerz - Jul 13 2000, 8:10 pm by Above Top Secret - 6 messages - 6 authors

Cheat AllAdvantage If you're interested in getting paid for NOTHING, then check out alt.2600.hackerz - Jul 13 2000, 10:53 am by Above Top Secret - 3 messages - 3 authors

Make $100s surfing the net!!! How would you like to earn $100sa month by surfing the internet? A brilliantly simple form of income that requires no effort at all. ... - Apr 1 2000, 7:21 am by Above Top Secret - 1 message - 1 author

Earn $100s surfing the web!!! How would you like to earn $100sa month by surfing the internet? A brilliantly simple form of income that requires no effort at all. ... - Apr 1 2000, 6:27 am by Above Top Secret - 2 messages - 2 authors

Make money surfing the net!!! How would you like to earn $100sa month by surfing the internet? A brilliantly simple form of income that requires no effort at all. ... - Mar 31 2000, 9:01 pm by Above Top Secret - 1 message - 1 author

www. Above Top Secret .com - The UK's ultimate website for US ... This is the UK's ultimate conspiracy website for those interested in Area 51, secret government projects, aircraft programs ... - Mar 23 2000, 3:27 am by Above Top Secret - 1 message - 1 author

www. Above Top Secret .com Check out this website for information about Area 51, UFOs, secret facilities, organisations, government projects, the New World Order, and more. ... alt.paranet.ufo - Mar 21 2000, 3:43 pm by Above Top Secret - 1 message - 1 author

MYSTERIOUS CALIFORNIA TEST FACILITIES McDonnell Douglas "Llano" Facility Lockheed "Hellendale" Facility Northrop "Tejon Ranch" Facility alt.alien - Jul 26 1999, 5:07 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

MYSTERIOUS TEST LOCATIONS McDonnell Douglas "Llano" Facility Lockheed "Hellendale" Facility Northrop "Tejon Ranch" Facility alt.alien.wanderers - Jul 25 1999, 5:07 pm by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author


ET Exposure Law (page now updated) !!! alt.alien.visitors - Jul 9 1999, 5:29 am by Simon Gray - 2 messages - 2 authors

AURORA in detail !!!!! The following website has been updated an incredible amount, including an Aurora page with an amazing amount of detail !!! !!! alt.conspiracy.area51 - Jul 8 1999, 9:20 pm by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

GREAT WEBSITE !!! - Jul 7 1999, 3:05 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

COOL WEBSITE , now hugely updated !!! -- Simon Gray - Webmaster alt.alien.visitors - Jul 7 1999, 2:07 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

AREA 51 and RELATED PAGES go to - Jun 21 1999, 2:18 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

COOL WEBSITE has some cool information which may be of interest !!! - Jun 16 1999, 11:10 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

COOL WEBSITE is a very interesting site. Why not check it out! - Jun 15 1999, 5:56 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

COOL WEBSITE Great website at ! ! ! - Jun 15 1999, 1:13 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

COOL WEBSITE ! ! ! - Jun 15 1999, 12:41 am by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

COOL WEBSITE !!! - Jun 14 1999, 4:14 pm by Simon Gray - 1 message - 1 author

I leave it to the reader to draw their own conclusion about whether or not AboveTopSecret was setting itself up as a money making venture, or to be a "vacuum cleaner" operation. Of course, the two objectives are not mutually exclusive! One thing is certain, this "Simon Gray" was way too busy and energetic to be the playwright. Whoever it was, it looks like he's out to make a million bux one way or the other. This frenzied promotional activity for the past 7 years or so will become quite interesting when we consider "Christian Bailey," (coming up) so keep it in mind.

I would also suggest that the reader go to the webarchive and go back over the history of and notice that it was quite obviously set up to draw in alternative researchers from the very beginning. Why? Obvious answer is to vector ideas. Re-read my post on COINTELPRO.

I'm still amused at the idea that "Simon Gray" of is obviously a Brit "specializing" in American conspiracies . It seems that this is not exactly an isolated case. In recent times the Pentagon's contract with another Brit, for the purposes of spreading disinformation, came to the attention of the mainstream media. Let's look at the strange case of "Christian Bailey.":

So, just who is Christian Bailey?

A 30-year-old Oxford graduate with no public relations experience was the recipient of a $100m (£56m) contract from Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defence for buying space in Iraqi newspapers to place deliberately one-sided stories written by US "psy-ops" troops, at a time when the chaos of Iraq makes genuine journalism all but impossible and when journalists risk their lives on a daily basis to report the truth.

[Deliberatly ONE SIDED STORIES? Shades of AboveTopSecret!]

The office building situated at 1420 K Street NW has nothing obvious to commend it other than its prime location. Just a couple of streets from the north-west gates of the White House, it sits in the heart of lobbying land - the K Street corridor that represents one of the most crucial centres of power, influence and money in the United States.

This grey building, neighboured to one side by an off-licence and to the other by a travel agent, is home to the Lincoln Group, a previously little-known "business intelligence" company headed by a heretofore little known young Briton, Christian Bailey, an Oxford graduate and consummate net worker. He is at the centre of a mounting storm of controversy surrounding the Bush administration's covert propaganda war in Iraq.

[It will be very useful to have read the links to the "Let'sRoll9-11 discussion board given above to see the connection between and the covert propaganda war in Iraq. VERY interesting connections those folks found!]

It was recently revealed that Bailey's company was the recipient of a $100m (£56m) contract from Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defence for buying space in Iraqi newspapers to place deliberately one-sided stories written by US "psy-ops" troops, at a time when the chaos of Iraq makes genuine journalism all but impossible and when journalists risk their lives on a daily basis to report the truth.

[Deliberatly ONE SIDED STORIES? Shades of AboveTopSecret! And we notice how vigorously they tried to place those stories on our own site! Does this mean that CatHerder is "psy-ops"?]

As part of the project - in which the US military hid its involvement - Lincoln Group staff paid Iraqi journalists to write similarly misleading stories about US forces and the Iraqi government that ignored anything negative about the occupation. One headline read: "Iraqis Insist on Living Despite Terrorism."

The revelations have created a furore. President Bush is said to be "very troubled" by the news, while on Capitol Hill members of both the Senate and House armed services committees demanded inquiries. The Pentagon said it would launch an immediate investigation.

Much is unclear about the Lincoln Group, its youthful executive vice-president and his string of previous companies that have left only the faintest paper trail. Indeed, Christian Bailey may not be his real name: a number of student associates said at some point during his four years that he changed his name from Yusefovich - an unlikely surname for someone called Christian.

[Shades of Simon Gray and!]

The Independent has been unable to confirm this. Yet the details known about Bailey and the contract his company won provide a remarkable insight into the way influence and power operate in Washington. Just two years after arriving here, Bailey, 30, who has a penchant for socialising, has apparently developed contacts both within the Republican establishment and the world of private intelligence.

[Shades of Simon Gray and!]

Senator John Warner, the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said of the false news operation: "I remain gravely concerned about the situation." Since the controversy broke Bailey has kept a low-profile and has offered just the fewest public words about his organisation and what it does. (He failed to respond to requests for an interview.) It also appears a number of internet references linking him to the Republicans can no longer be found.

[Shades of Simon Gray and!]

Yet it is clear the Lincoln Group and its contract with the Joint Psychological Operations Support Element, part of the Pentagon's Special Operations Command, is inextricably linked with Bailey. He apparently named the company and its various offshoots after Lincoln College, Oxford, from which he graduated in 1997 with an MA in economics and management. [ was registered in 1997]

[Shades of Simon Gray and! Registered in 1997... ]

Many observers have been surprised Bailey, from Surrey, has been awarded such a sizable contract, give that he appears to have no experience in public relations. Indeed, since he moved to the US in the late 1990s, he has spent much of his time in private finance, working in hedge funds in San Francisco and New York.

[Shades of Simon Gray and! See webarchive history of the website.]

It appears he has been especially interested in new technology markets. A brief biography presented by the organisers of a conference held earlier this year in Dubai at which Bailey was listed as a speaker, said he had worked in Palo Alto, California, "where he advised portfolio companies and identified, evaluated and developed emerging technology investments".

[Shades of Simon Gray and his sorta UK and sorta California address...]

The Briton has always enjoyed a reputation for business. Several Oxford associates said it was rumoured that the popular student kept two computers in his room to monitor the stock markets. Bailey has said he founded and sold two companies while an undergraduate. "He was quite enterprising, I believe," said Graham De'ath, of Winchester, who was in the same year.

[Shades of Simon Gray and and his "make $100s surfing the net scams!]

Kate Smurthwaite, who is now a stand-up comic but shared a flat with Bailey in his third year, told The Independent that the young entrepreneur hired a personal assistant to work for him in his student digs as he ran an operation selling self-help advice on cassettes.

[Shades of Simon Gray and and his "make $100s surfing the net scams!]

He also had a reputation as a hard-working networker. While in New York he became treasurer of the Oxonian Society, a club for graduates of Oxford and other universities, which invites high-profile figures to speak. He was involved in at least one charity fundraising effort with other hedge-funders. Perhaps of more significance, Bailey became the co-chairman of the New York chapter of Lead21, a networking group for young Republicans. At least a dozen of its members have gone on to work for either the Bush administration, Congress or the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

[Shades of Simon Gray and!]

During a Lead21 trip to the Republican National Convention in New York last autumn, Bailey said of his colleagues to one reporter: "These are going to be the big supporters, the big donors, to the Republican Party in five years."

According to other members, Bailey was very popular. Auren Hoffman, chair of Lead21 and chairman of the Stonebrick Group, a San Francisco-based consulting firm, said Bailey was a good friend. "Christian is a terrific guy personally. Everyone I know that has ever met him instantly likes him. He is very likeable and charming. Very intelligent. Very interesting."

[Shades of psychopathy!]

When he moved to Washington, his reputation as a networker continued. He often hosted parties at home and mixed with a set of young, up-and-coming journalists and congressional staffers. He enjoyed a reputation as a good cook, a welcoming host and for making cappuccinos with a machine in his kitchen. He also enjoyed flying: Federal Aviation Administration records show that he is qualified to fly aeroplanes and helicopters.

[Sounding more and more like Simon Gray and]

How and when did Bailey make the switch from hedge funds to private intelligence and PR? One clue is provided by the Alternative Investment News newsletter of 1 March 2003, just weeks before the invasion of Iraq. It reported Bailey's hedge fund, Lincoln Asset Management Group, had launched a buyout fund to start buying companies in the defence and security industries. Bailey said he had obtained commitments of $100m from six institutional investors, whom he declined to name.

Apparently with an eye to the preparations for war being made in the deserts of northern Kuwait, he added: "[The] timing is extremely good to look at defence companies." Shortly afterwards, a subsidiary called Lincoln Alliance Corp was established, offering what it called "tailored intelligence services [for] government clients faced with critical intelligence challenges".

By last autumn Bailey had formed another Lincoln subsidiary, called Iraqex, which seems to have formed a partnership with another American PR firm called Rendon, famous in Washington for having promoted Ahmed Chalabi and his Iraqi National Congress.

[DO take a look at the links to the "Let'sRoll9-11 discussion board given above to see the connection between and the covert propaganda war in Iraq. VERY interesting connections those folks found!]

At some point Bailey also went into business with Paige Craig, 31, a former US Marine who served in Iraq and elsewhere. [Bailey and Craig are flatmates in a fashionable part of Washington, close to U Street. The flat is just yards away from Café Saint- Ex, popular with young professionals.]

[Hmmm.... wonder if Paige Craig and CatHerder are one and the same???]

In September, Iraqex won a $6m Pentagon contract to design and execute "an aggressive advertising and PR campaign that will accurately inform the Iraqi people of the Coalition's goals and gain their support". It appears one project was an attempt to persuade the Iraqi and US public that Iraqi troops played a vital role in last year's effort to clear Fallujah.

A strategy document obtained by ABC News revealed the Lincoln Group was seeking to promote the "strength, integrity and reliability of Iraqi forces during the fight for Falujah". In reality, most assessments suggest the small number of Iraqi troops present were minimally involved.

But the real breakthrough came this summer when Bailey's company, having again changed its name to the Lincoln Group, secured a $100m contract for information and psychological operations. Part of the contract was for placing "faux" news stories in some of the 200 Iraqi-owned newspapers that now exist.

[Sounding more and more like all the time!]

Pentagon officials have said that, while not factually incorrect, these stories only presented one side of the story and would not include anything negative about the occupation. It was reported this week that the $10Om was part of a larger $300m "stealth PR effort" in a number of countries around the world.

[Indeed, CatHerder's piece was not "factually incorrect," it certainly only presented one side of the story and did not include anything negative to that version. And now, seeks to do "damage control" on Signs of the Times "transformative" work by demanding the file names be changed. A consummate networker indeed!]

One PR consultant with experience of the private-intelligence sector, said: "Doctrinally, this is all part of what the military calls information superiority. It is part of the plan for what they call, rather upsettingly, full-spectrum dominance. The truth is that it is just propaganda. And there has always been propaganda in a war. And this is a war, so ... thus runs the thinking."

[Information superiority? Full spectrum dominance? That is the obvious agenda behind AboveTopSecret's demands for file name changes.]

According to reports from former Lincoln employees, their main task was to take news dispatches, called storyboards, which had been written by specially trained psy-ops troops, have them translated into Arabic and then distribute them to the newspapers. They would also deal directly with members of the Iraqi media through something called the Baghdad Press Club, a group of journalists who were paid to write and publish positive stories. Typically, Lincoln paid newspapers between $40 and $2,000 to run the articles as either news or adverts.

To help it carry out its work, Bailey and Craig - the latter is apparently responsible for most of the Iraq-based end of the business - have reached out to some of the foremost specialists in security and intelligence. Among "advisers" listed on their website is Andrew Garfield, a former British military-intelligence officer and specialist in psychological warfare who has advised the Ministry of Defence. In an e-mail to The Guardian Garfield confirmed his collaboration with Lincoln but gave no details.

Another adviser is Colin Rees Mason, who two years ago received an OBE for his service as a lieutenant-colonel in the Territorial Army, and who for almost 20 years has been a consultant to the Centre for Operational Research and Defence Analysis, a subsidiary of BAE Systems. The Lincoln Group also has Republican links. Among lobbyists registered to represent it are Charles Black, an adviser to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr and Marlin "Buzz" Hefti, who served as a director at the Pentagon.

Lincoln Group also lists as a partner the Virginia-based private intelligence group WCV3 Security. Last year that company's executive vice-president took unpaid leave to produce Stolen Honour: Wounds That Never Heal, a film that, at a critical time in the presidential election campaign, condemned the Democrat John Kerry and questioned his version of events in Vietnam.

[Can we say Swift Boat =]

Despite the concern on Capitol Hill about the placing of false stories in foreign media outlets - a practice that dates back to the Cold War - it is unknown what will be the outcome of the Pentagon's investigation. It is also unclear how the controversy has affected the ability of the Lincoln Group or Bailey to fulfil its contract. In a statement the company said: "Lincoln Group has consistently worked with the Iraqi media to promote truthful reporting across Iraq. We counter the lies, intimidation, and pure evil of terror with factual stories that highlight the heroism and sacrifice of the Iraqi people and their struggle for freedom and security."

Yeah, right.

The London Times had more revelations about "Christian Bailey" with a slightly different take on the Golden Boy. Now he's an unlikeable geek with delusions of Grandeur. Well, in a world of psychopaths, they DO rise to the top!

British geek made millions running the Pentagon's propaganda war in Iraq

IT WAS astounding enough for Washington’s political elite: last month they discovered that the man at the heart of a scandal over the planting of US propaganda in Iraqi newspapers was a dapper but unknown 30-year-old Oxford graduate who had somehow managed to land a $100 million Pentagon contract.

What is even more remarkable however, after an investigation by The Times, is that just ten years ago Christian Bailey, whose US company is under investigation for planting fake news stories in Iraqi newspapers, was a nerdy, socially awkward English school-leaver called Jozefowicz.

The transformation of the geeky but ambitious Christian Jozefowicz, who just a few years ago was growing up in a modest terraced house in Godalming, Surrey, to the charming, baby-faced multimillionaire Christian Bailey now rubbing shoulders with some of the most powerful figures in Washington — and who next year will probably face questions on Capitol Hill about his company — is one of the more extraordinary stories to have emerged from the Iraq war.

This month it was revealed that Mr Bailey’s US company, the Lincoln Group, was the recipient of a Pentagon contract to help to fight the information war in Iraq. It then emerged that the company was paying Iraqi journalists to plant optimistic news “stories” in Iraqi papers that had been written by the US military.

Interference with the press touches a raw nerve in America. The fake stories revelation provoked a furore among Republicans and Democrats. President Bush said he was “very troubled” by it. Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary, has promised a Pentagon investigation. Congress plans hearings into the scandal.

The journey from the Royal Grammar School, Guildford, which Mr Bailey left in 1994, to the heart of K Street in Washington, the centre of money and influence in the US capital, has been remarkably rapid. Today he has a reputation in Washington for being a socialite with links to influential Republicans. He is a helicopter and aircraft pilot and his home is in a fashionable area.

Through a Lincoln Group spokesman, Mr Bailey answered questions from The Times to help to explain how, at just 30, he landed the Pentagon as an important client. He was born Christian Martin Jozefowicz on November 28, 1975, in Kingston upon Thames, to Jerzy and Anne Jozefowicz.

His father, a Polish architect, died in April 1998. His mother, who has since reverted to her maiden name of Seifert, was born in West Germany. The family lived in East Molesey, southwest London, before moving to Godalming, Surrey.

["Simon Gray" registered AboveTopSecret in 1997, put an entry page up in 1998, and got down to "business" in 1999]

Mr Bailey’s Royal Grammar School contemporaries recall a business-obsessed, “geeky” individual with few friends. “He was a nerd at school,” one told The Times. Another described him as a “school joke” who told everyone he was going to be a millionaire. He was the first at school to have a mobile phone and was interested in early versions of the personal computer.

He founded a Young Enterprise company, Chameleon, which led to his selection as one of the top six Young Enterprise participants in Britain.

[Ah! A "signature!" Reptilian and covert!]

His school yearbook records Christian Jozefowicz as “Mr Business himself” and that he was elected vice-president of the International Student Forum, a business gathering in the US. In 1994 he won a place at Lincoln College, Oxford, where he read economics and management. He kept computers in his room, thought for monitoring the stock markets.

In his third year at Oxford he hired an assistant to help him to run his first proper company, Linck Ltd, which sold self-help tapes. In 1998, he changed his name to Bailey. “Following his father’s death, Bailey assumed the name for family reasons, something which children commonly do,” a Lincoln Group spokesman said.

[Question is: why "Bailey?" He "assumed" a name that had no relation to his own family as "children commonly do"??!!! Not many children I know about...]

In the late 1990s he moved to San Francisco to try his hand as a dotcom entrepreneur, and then to New York, where he became treasurer of the Oxonion Society, a club for intellectual Anglophiles. He became co-chairman of a networking group for young Republicans. With his Republican contacts growing, Mr Bailey moved to Washington, where he spotted a golden business opportunity: the looming war in Iraq. He formed a partnership with Paige Craig, a former US Marine who served in Iraq.

[In the late 1990s, Simon Gray shows up on the internet promoting all his money making schemes... he has obviously given them up because he found bigger fish to fry.]

In early 2003, just before the invasion, Mr Bailey formed a Lincoln subsidiary, the Lincoln Alliance Corp, offering “tailored intelligence services [for] government clients faced with intelligence challenges”. He also formed another subsidiary, Iraqex, which won a $6 million Pentagon contract to launch “an aggressive advertising and PR campaign that will accurately inform the Iraqi people of the coalition’s goals and gain their support”.

[By this time, he had created his AboveTopSecret disinfo forum which he undoubtedly proudly displayed during his sales presentation!]

The big breakthrough came in June this year when the Pentagon awarded the Lincoln Group a contract worth up to $100 million over five years to support the US military’s “joint psychological operations”, known as “psyops”.

[Sure. He's proved he can attract and disinform lots of people via, so why wouldn't they want to give some big bux to someone so clever?] Lincoln group defended the planting of stories and the company has emphasised that none of them were factually incorrect. “By not speaking through the local media, the coalition would allow a vacuum for rumours and untruths perpetrated by the insurgents’ thuggery and threats,” a spokesman said.


November 28, 1975: Born Christian Jozefowicz, Kingston upon Thames

1987-94: Attends the fee-paying Royal Grammar School, Guildford

1993-94: Listed on electoral roll as Christian Jozefowicz-Seifert

1994-97: Obtains a 2:1 in economics and management from Lincoln College, Oxford. While at university, runs Linck Ltd. [Registers the domain:]

October 1998: Founds Linck Corporate Finance under the name of Christian Bailey. Fails to declare previous surname or other directorship [Blank page on for all of 1998]

1999: Moves to America [Launches Begins actively promoting the site, attracting members, creating an effective disinfo vector to use in his future sales presentations.]

2003: Co-founds Lincoln Group, now subject to investigation into planting of US military propaganda in Iraqi newspapers

Though the timeline is highly suggestive, much of the above is unprovable conjecture. I think it is entirely possible and "in character" that someone is using the name of the playwright, Simon Gray, to "dramatize" disinformation via the website and that someone may be "very close" to "Christian Bailey" if not Christian Bailey AKA Jozefowicz.

To finish of this little survey, let's look at one of "Christian Bailey's" co-horts in crime - mentioned in the above article from the Guardian .

See: The Man Who Sold the War: John Rendon, Bush's general in the propaganda war

"Rendon is a man who fills a need that few people even know exists. Two months before al-Haideri took the lie-detector test, the Pentagon had secretly awarded him a $16 million contract to target Iraq and other adversaries with propaganda. One of the most powerful people in Washington, Rendon is a leader in the strategic field known as "perception management," manipulating information -- and, by extension, the news media -- to achieve the desired result. His firm, the Rendon Group, has made millions off government contracts since 1991, when it was hired by the CIA to help "create the conditions for the removal of Hussein from power." Working under this extraordinary transfer of secret authority, Rendon assembled a group of anti-Saddam militants, personally gave them their name -- the Iraqi National Congress -- and served as their media guru and "senior adviser" as they set out to engineer an uprising against Saddam. It was as if President John F. Kennedy had outsourced the Bay of Pigs operation to the advertising and public-relations firm of J. Walter Thompson."

One thing that is abundantly clear is that is COINTELPRO, pure and simple. Perhaps many of the members and even moderators are unaware of this, and are sincere seekers of truth. It is for such individuals, unaware and unused to the wiles of the pathocracy that the previous posts have been written.

In conclusion, even though much of what I have conjectured is unprovable, and we note that the Guardian article comments on the "lack of paper trail" left by Bailey, the few data bits I have found, along with the timeline and "knowing the nature of the beast," I reckon I'll put my money on Christian Bailey and his gang being the "Simon Gray" behind "".