Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Sky is Falling

My human and I were sitting on the porch late last night enjoying the cool air and cloudless sky that revealed a wealth of stars not normally seen by city dwellers.

Suddenly, between the silhouette of the still leafless trees, a bright yellow fireball lit up the sky to the south for several seconds and faded off over the horizon.

This was more than your average shooting star, and surprised me so much that I jumped off my human's lap and hid under her chair.

According to some alternative news sites, there have been an increasing number of people all over the world who describe witnessing Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and NEOs lighting up the skies as they burn up in the atmosphere.

The astute student of history may see that these increases in the arrival of celestial bodies onto our planet is nothing new, and may in fact be part of a recurring cycle that marks the beginning of catastrophic changes that will drastically alter life on this planet as we know it.

What is an average cat to do when the majority of so-called "intelligent humans" are so mired in the distractions of worldly life, that none but a select and awakened few choose to see it.


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